Report date: Feb 11,2025 Conflict count: 358967 Publisher: Apex Publishing Title count: 3 Conflict count: 19 ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115628 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Detectability of Sports Betting Anomalies Using Deep Learning-based ResNet: Utilization of K-League Data in South Korea DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.8(Journal) (7115628-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1158(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115629 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Health Behavior During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Bangkok’s Office Workers DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.9(Journal) (7115629-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1159(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115630 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Athletes’ Relationship Toward Coaches in Malaysia DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.10(Journal) (7115630-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1168(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115631 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Cow Race Local Wisdom From Tradition, Recreation to Tourism Destination DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.11(Journal) (7115631-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1172(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115624 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Dietary Restriction in Elite Karatekas: Effect on Body Composition and Physical Performance DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.4(Journal) (7115624-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1144(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115625 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Benefits of Physical Activity on Stroke Recovering Patients: A Review of The Literature DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.5(Journal) (7115625-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1145(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115626 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity and Hemodynamic Variables DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.6(Journal) (7115626-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1147(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115627 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Game-Related Statistics Discriminate between Winning and Losing Teams in the Field Hockey DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.7(Journal) (7115627-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1154(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115622 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: El-Saleh,11,2,0,2023,The Effect of Psychologist Absence During Sports Training on Some Psychological Aspects of Basketball Players DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.1(Journal) (7115622-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1130(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115623 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,The Effects of Musculoskeletal Training and Stretching on the Duration of Vocalization Time DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.2(Journal) (7115623-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1131(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115632 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Difference in One-Repetition Maximum and Electromyography between the Dominant and Non-Dominant Arms and Their Relationship to Exercise Onset: An Experimental Study of the Biceps Brachii Muscle DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.12(Journal) (7115632-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1211(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-06 04:14:09 ConfID: 7115633 CauseID: 1605385078 OtherID: 1598918132 JT: Annals of Applied Sport Science MD: ,11,2,0,2023,Fraud Detection in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Using One-Class Support Vector Machine Combined with Convolutional Neural Network: The Case of Spor Istanbul DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.11.2.S1.13(Journal) (7115633-N) DOI: 10.61186/aassjournal.1222(Journal)