Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: Association for Studies in Parents and Guardians Title count: 1 Conflict count: 1 ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-02 20:32:36 ConfID: 6913465 CauseID: 1584078676 OtherID: 1584078531 JT: Association for Studies in Parents and Guardians MD: YI,10,3,1,2023,The Effects of Character Strengths and Social Support on the Parenting Efficacy of Mothers with School-age Children DOI: 10.56034/kjpg.2023.10.3.1(Journal) (6913465-N) DOI: 10.56034/kjpg.2023.10.3.01(Journal)