Report date: Feb 11,2025 Conflict count: 358967 Publisher: Anderson Publishing, Ltd. Title count: 1 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-22 00:30:07 ConfID: 7451731 CauseID: 1644462486 OtherID: 1644320896 JT: Applied Radiation Oncology MD: ,12,3,4,2023,Special Considerations of Pelvic Radiation Therapy in the Adolescent and Young Adult Female Population DOI: 10.37549/10.37549/ARO-D-23-00017CME(Journal) (7451731-N) DOI: 10.37549/ARO-D-23-00017CME(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-22 00:30:07 ConfID: 7451733 CauseID: 1644462486 OtherID: 1644320896 JT: Applied Radiation Oncology MD: Dastgheyb,12,3,25,2023,A Novel Framework to Define and Prognosticate Visual Outcomes Following Fractionated Radiation Therapy for Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas DOI: 10.37549/10.37549/ARO-D-23-00019(Journal) (7451733-N) DOI: 10.37549/ARO-D-23-00019(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-22 00:30:07 ConfID: 7451732 CauseID: 1644462486 OtherID: 1644320896 JT: Applied Radiation Oncology MD: Bajaj,12,3,46,2023,Public Relations and Collaborative Support: Claiming a Seat at the Table When No One Else Is Buying It DOI: 10.37549/10.37549/ARO-D-23-00018(Journal) (7451732-N) DOI: 10.37549/ARO-D-23-00018(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-22 00:30:07 ConfID: 7451727 CauseID: 1644462486 OtherID: 1644320896 JT: Applied Radiation Oncology MD: Schmitt,12,3,13,2023,Late Effects of Pelvic Radiation Therapy in the Female Patient: A Comprehensive Review DOI: 10.37549/10.37549/ARO-D-23-00016(Journal) (7451727-N) DOI: 10.37549/ARO-D-23-00016(Journal)