Report date: Feb 11,2025 Conflict count: 358967 Publisher: Asia Europe Perspective Association Title count: 1 Conflict count: 27 ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723389 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,4,143,2020,The Effect of Service Orientation of Vietnamese Beauty Workers on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.143(Journal) (7723389-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.007(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723388 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lee,17,4,121,2020,An Empirical Study on the Insurance Purchasing by Insurance Company Reliability and Satisfaction of Insurance Service in Korea: Focused on the Risk Groups in their 30s DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.121(Journal) (7723388-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.006(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723391 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lim,17,4,195,2020,A Study on the Determinants of Stores with Premium Payments in the Commercial Lease Market: Focused on the Case of Premium Payments to Bakeries DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.195(Journal) (7723391-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.009(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723390 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Chang,17,4,157,2020,A Study on Transforming the GTI(Greater Tumen Initiative) into Infrastructure Developer in Northeast Asia DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.157(Journal) (7723390-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.008(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723385 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lee,17,4,41,2020,A Study on the Health Functional Food Purchase Intentions of Chinese Consumers in Their 20s and 30s: Focusing on Extended Model of Goal-directed Behavior DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.041(Journal) (7723385-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.003(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723384 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Choi,17,4,21,2020,Online Shopping Overseas Direct Sales by each Country(Continent): For the USA, China, ASEAN, Japan, EU DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.021(Journal) (7723384-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.002(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723387 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kang,17,4,93,2020,A Study on the Effects of the Luxury Mobile Shopping Attributes and the Shopping Value of Luxury Fashion Products on the Continuously Using Intention via Trust DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.093(Journal) (7723387-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.005(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723386 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Yoo,17,4,71,2020,A Study on the Comparison to the Internal Control System between Public and Private Company in Korea DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.071(Journal) (7723386-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.004(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723309 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Yoon,17,3,167,2020,Brexit and the Korea-UK FTA, their Economic Implications DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.167(Journal) (7723309-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.007(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723308 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lee,17,3,129,2020,‘To Live as Who I Am’ for Korean Young Adults in Occupational Transition: A Narrative Inquiry on Crisis as a Liminal Experience and Thereafter DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.129(Journal) (7723308-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.006(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723311 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lee,17,3,215,2020,A Study on the Effect of DISC Behaviour Type to Performance of Financial Institution Worker in Korea: Mediated Effect of the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.215(Journal) (7723311-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.009(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723310 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,3,189,2020,A Study on the Success Cases of the German Automated Smart Factories, a key research subject to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Introduction of Smart Factories to Korea: Proposal of Policies and Strategies for the Construction of Smart Factories in Korea DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.189(Journal) (7723310-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.008(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723305 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Oh,17,3,43,2020,Dynamic Shift-Share Analysis on the Characteristics of Industrial Structure in Gyeong-gi Province DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.043(Journal) (7723305-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.003(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723304 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Su,17,3,21,2020,The Effects of Ethnic Identity Behavior and School Belonging on Psychologic Wellbeing and Job Satisfaction among Chinese Student Workers in Korea DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.021(Journal) (7723304-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.002(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723307 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Ko,17,3,103,2020,The effect of IT workforce’s job autonomy on job crfting and job performance: Multi-group analysis of demographic characteristics DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.103(Journal) (7723307-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.005(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:59:53 ConfID: 7723306 CauseID: 1660373628 OtherID: 1660033572 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Lim,17,3,63,2020,An Empirical Study on the Effect of Entrepreneur’s Psychological Characteristics Upon Business Performance: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Social Support DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.063(Journal) (7723306-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.3.004(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723285 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Jeong,17,2,147,2020,Effects of Quality of Startup Training Service at Vocational Schools and Government’s Startup Support Polices on Performance of Startups DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.147(Journal) (7723285-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.007(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723284 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Ni,17,2,25,2020,The Effects of Cultural Intelligence on Cultural- and Work-Adjustment among Chinese Student Workers in Korea DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.025(Journal) (7723284-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.002(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723287 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Phousai Soukhameesai,17,2,83,2020,A Study on the Determinants of Trade Costs and Exports in Laos DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.083(Journal) (7723287-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.004(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723286 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,2,51,2020,The Influence of Innovation Culture of SMEs on Millennial Generation’s Workplace Spirituality and Creativity DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.051(Journal) (7723286-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.003(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723293 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,2,243,2020,Types of German memory culture for the Nazis and the Holocaust and sustainable memory culture for the future DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.243(Journal) (7723293-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.011(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723292 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Long I Tang,17,2,223,2020,Cultural Integration through Colonial Relations: Focusing on Macau, Goa, Taiwan and Korea DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.223(Journal) (7723292-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.010(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723289 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Fang,17,2,127,2020,Testing the Mediating Roles of Photo Sharing Behavior on SNS in the Relationship of Multi-Dimensional Perceived Festival Experiences and Festival Revisit Intention DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.127(Journal) (7723289-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.006(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723288 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Shan Liu,17,2,109,2020,What Are the Pricing Factors of ChiNext-Listings? Evidence from the high send turn Dividend Policy DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.109(Journal) (7723288-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.005(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723291 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,2,195,2020,A Study on the Bismarckian Alliance System: With a Focus on the German Empire’s Diversion Strategy of the Intra-European Tensional Factors to the Global Periphery DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.195(Journal) (7723291-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.009(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-10 23:53:15 ConfID: 7723290 CauseID: 1660373043 OtherID: 1660032935 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Kim,17,2,177,2020,Possibility of Northeast Asian Peaceful Regime Overcoming the Asia Paradox: The Japanese Role in the Region and the Measurement of Korea-Japan Cooperation DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.2.177(Journal) (7723290-N) DOI: 10.31203/AEPA.2020.17.2.008(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-11 01:18:00 ConfID: 7723392 CauseID: 1660390376 OtherID: 1660033965 JT: Asia Europe Perspective Association MD: Choi,17,4,213,2020,Institutional Mechanism on Performance of Platform Business DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.213(Journal) (7723392-N) DOI: 10.31203/aepa.2020.17.4.010(Journal)