Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: ANO Veterinary Medicine Journal Title count: 1 Conflict count: 1 ========================================================== Created: 2021-08-19 06:12:18 ConfID: 6104971 CauseID: 1505832550 OtherID: 1505711690 JT: "Veterinary Medicine" Journal MD: Stelmakh,24,8,44,2021,On the possibility of using water-soluble poliguanidines for therapy and prevention of ectoparasitic invasion in fish under their artificial maintenance DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2021.24.8.44-51(Journal) (6104971-N) DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2021.24.8.44-48(Journal)