Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: AWEJ Publishing Title count: 2 Conflict count: 6 ========================================================== Created: 2020-02-20 16:51:00 ConfID: 5577879 CauseID: 1463732982 OtherID: 1463731799 JT: Arab World English Journal For Translation and Literary Studies MD: A. Alotaibi,4,1,14,2020,“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers…”: A Genealogical Reading of Tennyson’s Locksley Hall DOI: 10.24093/awej/tlsv4n1.2(Journal) (5577879-N) DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/vol4no1.2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-02-20 16:51:00 ConfID: 5577878 CauseID: 1463732982 OtherID: 1463731799 JT: Arab World English Journal For Translation and Literary Studies MD: Lahlou,4,1,3,2020,A Corpus-based Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Pre-existing Knowledge of Scientific Terminology: The Case of English Energy and Arabic طَاقَة (ṭāqa) DOI: 10.24093/awej/tlsv4n1.1(Journal) (5577878-N) DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/vol4no1.1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-23 18:38:25 ConfID: 7455417 CauseID: 1644816235 OtherID: 1644440430 JT: Arab World English Journal For Translation and Literary Studies MD: Ahmad Thawabteh,8,3,2,2024,Translating English Neologisms into Arabic DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/v8n3.1(Journal) (7455417-N) DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/vol8no3.1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-02-14 15:05:15 ConfID: 7207187 CauseID: 1612286414 OtherID: 1612284110 JT: Arab World English Journal For Translation and Literary Studies MD: Ali Yousif Salman,8,1,216,2024,The Relationship between Modern Theatre and Society According to Henrik Ibsen’s Plays: Rosmersholm, The Wild Duck, and A Doll’s House DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/vol78no1.17(Journal) (7207187-N) DOI: 10.24093/awejtls/vol8no1.17(Journal)