Report date: Feb 11,2025 Conflict count: 358967 Publisher: American Research Journals Title count: 4 Conflict count: 14 ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095180 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1587078364 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Book Review of Mapping Thematic Variations: The Poetry of DC Chambial DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230012(Journal) (7095180-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23012(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095181 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1587078364 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Use of Ghanaianisms: A Mark of Identity? DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230013(Journal) (7095181-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23013(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095182 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1587078364 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Decoding Daarosh: Resisting a Regressive Custom Suppressing Women’s Voice and Violating Her Right DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230014(Journal) (7095182-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23014(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095183 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1587078364 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Maladies Interculturally Unperceived: A Psychological Analysis of “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230015(Journal) (7095183-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23015(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:04:53 ConfID: 7095179 CauseID: 1603399626 OtherID: 1587078364 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Non-Verbal Communication as Face Acts: A Linguistic Analysis of Selected Television Movies Corpora DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230011(Journal) (7095179-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23011(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095184 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1587677811 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,American Africanism: A Racialized Discourse of Literary Imagination in Toni Morrison’s “Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and Literary Imagination” DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230016(Journal) (7095184-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23016(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095185 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1591304138 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,An Interpretation of the Identity Crisis of Human Clones in the Play A Number DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230017(Journal) (7095185-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23017(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-23 21:17:28 ConfID: 7095186 CauseID: 1603399946 OtherID: 1591304796 JT: American Research Journal of English and Literature MD: ,9,1,,2023,Status Anxiety or Cultural Anxiety? : Gatsby’s Troubles Revealed by Foregrounding DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.230018(Journal) (7095186-N) DOI: 10.21694/2378-9026.23018(Journal)