Report date: Feb 18,2025 Conflict count: 359567 Publisher: ABC Journals Title count: 8 Conflict count: 137 ========================================================== Created: 2020-03-25 12:35:46 ConfID: 5584663 CauseID: 1465659695 OtherID: 1372009434 JT: American Journal of Trade and Policy MD: Siddique,1,1,42,2014,Variations in Opinions toward Disclosure Trend of Insurance Companies in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study DOI: 10.15590/ajtp/2014/v1i1/54053(Journal) (5584663-N) DOI: 10.18034/ajtp.v1i1.360(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-03-25 12:35:50 ConfID: 5584665 CauseID: 1465659704 OtherID: 1372009432 JT: American Journal of Trade and Policy MD: Chile,1,1,23,2014,The Paradox of Agricultural Trade Liberalization in Bangladesh and Tanzania DOI: 10.15590/ajtp/2014/v1i1/54046(Journal) (5584665-N) DOI: 10.18034/ajtp.v1i1.358(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-03-25 12:35:47 ConfID: 5584664 CauseID: 1465659697 OtherID: 1372009433 JT: American Journal of Trade and Policy MD: Pal,1,1,32,2014,Innovations of Housing Finance Systems and the Implication in Bangladesh – A Categorical Study on Financial Markets DOI: 10.15590/ajtp/2014/v1i1/54052(Journal) (5584664-N) DOI: 10.18034/ajtp.v1i1.359(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-03-25 12:35:53 ConfID: 5584666 CauseID: 1465659706 OtherID: 1372009430 JT: American Journal of Trade and Policy MD: Mizan,1,1,16,2014,Financial Soundness of Cement Industry of Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation Using Z-score DOI: 10.15590/ajtp/2014/v1i1/54044(Journal) (5584666-N) DOI: 10.18034/ajtp.v1i1.357(Journal)