Report date: Feb 11,2025 Conflict count: 358967 Publisher: Association of East Asian Social Thoughts Title count: 1 Conflict count: 15 ========================================================== Created: 2019-05-01 20:44:12 ConfID: 5467251 CauseID: 1444324619 OtherID: 1444324064 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Kim,21,4,173,2018,Inequality in the Era of Robot: Future of Work, Future of Society DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. (5467251-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-06 09:31:48 ConfID: 6511042 CauseID: 1531343940 OtherID: 1531343485 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: 이,25,1,149,2022,청년 이주민의 종교별 차별경험과 생활만족도: DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. (6511042-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-06 09:31:48 ConfID: 6511041 CauseID: 1531343940 OtherID: 1531343485 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: 오,25,1,105,2022,정신장애인 복지의 패러다임 전환으로서 ##x2018;당사자주의##x2019;: 새로운 패러다임으로서 함의와 사상적 체계화의 방향 설정을 중심으로 DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. (6511041-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. ========================================================== Created: 2019-05-01 20:44:12 ConfID: 5467248 CauseID: 1444324619 OtherID: 1444324064 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Choi,21,4,61,2018,Bright Integration and Poor Individuals: For the Sake of Individualism and Minimalism DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. (5467248-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-06 09:31:48 ConfID: 6511040 CauseID: 1531343940 OtherID: 1531343485 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: 박,25,1,75,2022,기본소득과 전통사상의 관계 연구: 동학, 천도교를 중심으로* DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. (6511040-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587965 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Park,22,4,63,2019,Seon Master Daehaeng’s Gendered/ Gender-transcendent Characteristic and Emptiness of Sex/Gender DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587965-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587964 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Jang,22,4,31,2019,Neo-liberal Globalization, Crisis of Capitalism, and the Transformation of Korean Development Model DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587964-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587967 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Lee,22,4,139,2019,Myung-Sim-Bo-Gam and Civil Education in Primary Social Education DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587967-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587966 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Kim,22,4,103,2019,Two Opposing Perspectives on Technological Progress and Future Education: Arts of Living in a Free Society DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587966-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-11 19:59:12 ConfID: 5587963 CauseID: 1467147166 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Lee,22,4,1,2019,Possibilities of a System theoretical-Constructivist Conflict Theory DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587963-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587969 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: KIM,22,4,195,2019,A Study on the Experiences and Problems of Runaway Teenage Women Residing in the Youth Welfare Service Centers DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587969-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2020-04-28 10:03:46 ConfID: 5587968 CauseID: 1468343925 OtherID: 1461844866 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: KIM,22,4,169,2019,Young People’s Career View and Employment DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. (5587968-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2019. ========================================================== Created: 2019-05-01 20:44:12 ConfID: 5467247 CauseID: 1444324619 OtherID: 1444324064 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: Youn,21,4,33,2018,A Study on the Modern Application of Social Welfare Value Inherent in Bohyeonhaengwonpum: Focusing on the Ten Practices and Vows of Bohyeonhaengwonpum DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. (5467247-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2018. ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-06 09:31:48 ConfID: 6511039 CauseID: 1531343940 OtherID: 1531343485 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: 이,25,1,43,2022,일상생활사회학과 동양사회사상의 접목: 유교 사상을 중심으로 DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. (6511039-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-06 09:31:48 ConfID: 6511038 CauseID: 1531343940 OtherID: 1531343485 JT: Journal of Social Thoughts and Culture MD: 김,25,1,1,2022,##x2018;인간너머##x2019; 자연의 권리와 지구법학: 탐색과 전망* DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022. (6511038-N) DOI: 10.17207/jstc.2022.